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Tresata Announces First Profitable Year of Operations, Bolsters Early Bet on Business Applications Powered by Hadoop


blog-details-userBrittany Box

blog-details-eye-slashFeb 19, 2015


February 19, Charlotte, NC — Tresata, the leading provider of Hadoop powered customer intelligence software, announced today that it ended fiscal 2014 as the first profitable pure play Hadoop ISV.

Tresata’s progress and continued success is providing a blueprint for the future of enterprise software at a time of tremendous disruption. Tresata is creating first of its kind Hadoop powered analytics applications that automate critical business processes that are dependent on data to drive competitive advantage. Tresata refers to this category of software as Customer Intelligence Management (CIM), and its success provides a much-needed boost to the evolving Hadoop powered software market where commoditization is severely straining tools driven business models.

“Tresata has shown that there is indeed a pot of gold at the end of the big data rainbow when companies are able to understand customer behavior and build data driven products and services that help enrich customers lives”, said Abhishek Mehta, Founder & CEO of Tresata. “We had said in 2010 that we are witnessing the birth of the second industrial revolution, and we are proud that Tresata is playing a leading role in providing the intelligence engines needed to fire up that revolution”.

Co-founders Abhishek Mehta and Richard Morris have a successful track record of wagering big bets and reaping even bigger rewards when it comes to predicting game-changing trends in big data. In 2011, they made an early gamble on building business applications that deliver predictive customer intelligence solely powered by Hadoop, the world’s leading open-source data analytics platform. Tresata was the first company to architect every single piece of software entirely in Hadoop. More recently, a similar bet on Spark made Tresata the first and only company to have its entire suite of software provide real-time actionable intelligence in Hadoop.

Tresata’s customers, including two of the Top 5 Global Universal Banks, a Top 3 Global Wealth Manager, a Top 3 US Retailer and a Top 3 Consumer Data firm amongst many others, have propelled tremendous growth at the company, with revenue growing 800% each year in the first 3 years. By enabling clients to monetize big data, Tresata has proven that in a rapidly commoditizing open source world, the only way to deliver business value is by automating the discovery of knowledge with business applications.

“We are entering the next wave of the Big Data market where the focus is shifting from leveraging Hadoop for cost savings to revenue generation. The key to this transition is the development of Big Data apps that bring together Hadoop, machine learning and predictive analytics. Tresata is one of the only companies on the market that has built a complete technology product to make Big Data analytics and applications accessible to the enterprise. This is the future of Big Data application development and the enabler for truly massive value creation”, said Jeff Kelley, Principal Analyst, Big Data at Wikibon.

As Tresata continues to define the future of what monetizable enterprise software will look like, numerous accolades have followed, including Charlotte Region’s Best Places to Work, Software Development Times Companies to Watch in 2015 and CEO Abhishek Mehta being named to the 2015 Upstart 100 list of Innovators as well as being nominated for the Ernst & Young 2015 Entrepreneur of the Year Awards.

About Tresata

Tresata provides the leading software platform for real-time Customer Intelligence Management. Tresata Software enables businesses to monetize customer data by collecting, curating, computing and converting it to actionable customer intelligence across all existing and growing data assets at a unique segment of one. Tresata is the world’s first end-to-end real-time CIM software platform that runs completely in Hadoop and delivers actionable insights at scale, with incredible speed and unmatched fidelity. Tresata products offer automated solutions for Identity Intelligence, Marketing Intelligence, Risk Intelligence and Fraud Intelligence. 

More on the 2015 Upstart 100 here.

Contact: Katie Levans | Marketing Director, Tresata |