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Abhishek Mehta: Hortonworks’ New Stinger Initiative Buzzing In The Big Data Hive [Breaking Analysis]


blog-details-eye-slashFeb 10, 2016



In this edition of “News Desk” on SATV, Kristin Feledy has a discussion with Abhishek Mehta (Founder, Tresata) on Hortonworks’ “Stinger” project. Abhishek begins by talking about what this initiative is all about and how it works. He then opines on what Hortonworks intends to achieve by having massive speed increases, as seen in “Stinger”, apart from its effect on the Big Data world, overall.

Abhishek then proceeds to discuss how “Stinger” is different from “Impala”. He also differentiates between Hortonworks’ seemingly similar products – “Stinger” & “Tez”. He concludes by delving into what another product by Hortonworks – “Knox Gateway” – will have to offer, in his opinion.