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Strata Conference 2012 – Abhishek Mehta


blog-details-eye-slashMar 2, 2012



In this segment, Abhishek Mehta (Founder, Tresata) is interviewed by John Furrier & Dave Vellante from SATV, on the sidelines of the Strata Conference at Santa Clara in 2012. Abhishek starts by discussing which stage, in his opinion, was the Big Data business currently in. He then shares his perspective on the Big Data strategies of Virtualization players like VMware.

He then airs his views on what major factors Venture Capitalists should look at in apps, to fund them. Further, he talks about the evolution of Hadoop and other similar platforms and his views on HBase (the Challenges, the Growth Opportunities, etc.).

Abhishek is then asked about where we need to be mind-set and policy-wise with data. Finally, the interviewers ask for his perspective on emerging new opportunities around Big Data and how, in his opinion, would the New User experience around Big Data applications be like.